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Nepal is known for the Mt. Everest, the highest mountains in the world, and also a small country located between India and China. Himalayan mountains surround the country, and these mountains make you feel closer to the majestic. At the same time, this majestic nature prevents the development of the infrastructure, delaying the economic development. The majority of the population in Nepal makes living from agriculture, and with the unstable political situation, the close to half of the population lives under $2 per a day, making as one of the poorest countries in Asia. (International Monetary Fund (IMF), 2018)

However, family tie is very strong in Nepal, and people support each other physically and mentally and also inherited lifestyles from local religions. The country has richness beyond numbers.  


A country along the Mekong River that is bordered by Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Chin and Myanmar. Aminism and Buddhism deeply permeate daily life. Monks can regularly be seen asking for alms, and devout followers will often fill their bowls with rice or sweets.



 Located near the southern part of China in an area said to be the birthplace of tea, Myanmar is a diverse country where more than 100 ethnic groups coexist. Tea leaves are not only used in drinks, but also in traditional salads and curries that should not be missed.